Sunday, May 17, 2009

Larkin's 6th Birthday

It is so hard to believe Larkin is 6 years old. Time is flying by so fast and he says "Mom, can you believe it? I am really growing up, I'm 6 now!' And growing he is....another 3 inches taller this year. He 46 inches tall and 50 pounds. The doctor said that he is going to have to try some new foods, but despite that he is in the 65th percentile for his weight and 75th percentile for his heighth. Lookout Granddaddy, we have another tall one on the way. Brandy is right...she has called him her "big brother" from day one of his precious life.

When I picked Larkin up for school on his birthday, of course he wanted to go to FRANKIE'S (aka to everyone else in town as MONTERREY'S). Frankie is they older man who serves the chips, salsa, and drinks. Frankie and Angelica (usually our waitress) are Larkin's friends. Anyway, it was not planned, but Seth was there and Brandy, Jason, Brooklyn, Brandon, Taye, and Jonathan were there, and Lori and John came strolling into town about that time as well. So, amazingly enough, Larkin got to have dinner on his birthday with his brother and sisters! God is good, All the Time! Of course, I didn't have my camera with me. I did however get a cute shot on my phone of Larkin in the sombraro! Sissy Lori if you have pictures, please share!

I cannot even begin to tell you how this little boy being born into my life at this time in my life has changed my life so dramatically that it is hard to remember what my life was like before he was born. Just when my children were grown, away from home, starting their lives on their own.....then this little man was born. I love them all so much, but this one forever changed all of our lives and tied us together like no one could have ever done. He is such wonderful child and he loves his family....each and every one of us in his own special way. He is the connection that keeps us strong and close.....and he makes each one of us feel like we are worth a ton of gold to him. This child is such a blessing and has a gift from God on his life already. I am honored that God entrusted this precious child to me, what a wonderful blessing he is!

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About Me

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I hope you enjoy our blog. I try to keep it updated, but we are growing and growing up so fast that it is hard to keep up with. AND, I don't want to miss a moment. I went back to college at 30, with 2 children in tow... I graduated with my Pharm.D. in 1999. I married the best husband and father in the world and my best friend in 1999. I became a Mother again in 2003 to the most wonderful little boy. I also became a grandmother 10 weeks before my son was born to twins! Yes, Grandma had a baby! Thank God for this life and all of our wonderful family!