Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2009

Wow, we have so much to be thankful for this year....We had two new additions to our family, Clara in May and Jonathan in September. Seth and Katie came by and Brandy, Jason, Brooklyn, Brandon, Taylor, and Jonathan were with us for an early lunch. When the kids said the blessing, we paused for a moment and Brookie and I had another prayer....we even prayed that baby Jonathan's nostrils would get a little bigger so that he could breathe better! It was cute, sweet, and funny! Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor! I have no idea, but He created us and gave the most amazing humor to little children.....and I know He has a good sense of humor because we laugh daily with our children and grandchildren! These little ones really crack me up and I love it....every single minute of it! Besides, He gave me a baby at 40! Most people laugh at that....I say it is the biggest blessing ever! What an Awesome God we serve!

About Me

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I hope you enjoy our blog. I try to keep it updated, but we are growing and growing up so fast that it is hard to keep up with. AND, I don't want to miss a moment. I went back to college at 30, with 2 children in tow... I graduated with my Pharm.D. in 1999. I married the best husband and father in the world and my best friend in 1999. I became a Mother again in 2003 to the most wonderful little boy. I also became a grandmother 10 weeks before my son was born to twins! Yes, Grandma had a baby! Thank God for this life and all of our wonderful family!