Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Christmas Weekend

No sushi for the little guy....just Mommy

Last weekend we took Larkin to the Opryland Hotel and went to see the Rockettes and How the Grinch Stole Christmas Ice. We had such a great time and Larkin had his picture made with the REAL Santa Claus! Larkin said he didn't want to see girls dancing and singing, but I told him there were characters there also....well, YeeHa, he had a great time and loved the Rockettes! Sunday morning we went to see ICE and I cannot even begin to tell you how many times he slid down the slides in that 9 degree room. If you go, they give you a large parka (clean - they put the parkas in the washing machine after you take them off) to wear. I will tell you that we layered our clothes, but before we got out of there I was wishing for a second layer of socks, gloves, and a NOSE sock (my nose was sooo cold!). It was so much fun and I would have loved to have taken all the kids with me! Maybe next year it would be fun to just spend the weekend together and maybe not do so many gifts!

Larkin sliding down the slide at ICE! Mommy and Daddy went too! It was fun!

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About Me

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I hope you enjoy our blog. I try to keep it updated, but we are growing and growing up so fast that it is hard to keep up with. AND, I don't want to miss a moment. I went back to college at 30, with 2 children in tow... I graduated with my Pharm.D. in 1999. I married the best husband and father in the world and my best friend in 1999. I became a Mother again in 2003 to the most wonderful little boy. I also became a grandmother 10 weeks before my son was born to twins! Yes, Grandma had a baby! Thank God for this life and all of our wonderful family!