Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fulp Reunion in Stokesdale, NC

Jeff, Larkin, Seth, Katie, and I went to Winston-Salem for the weekend for the 26th Fulp Reunion held in Stokesdale, NC. Mama and Daddy were there along with Carl, Laura, Carley, Caley, and Cavan. Lora and Chris came up with EE and JoJo and they brought Aunt Betty with them. Aunt Barbara and Uncle John came up with Sherry and Everett. Brenda and Bobby King were there as they go every year. This year Jillian and Joanna came with them. I promised Daddy that I would put together a hard back book for us all to enjoy. I need to get busy.
Just hanging out in Old Salem (home to one of the original US Moravian communities)

Boys will be boys....one Fulp, one Casteel

Daddy and Aunt Betty with a couple of cousins from around Stokesdale, NC

Our family at the Fulp Moravian Church

Daddy and Carl in front of the house that was built by his great-grandfather, John Walker Fulp who married Ida James Fulp. In an era when power did not run and phones were scarce, it is said that he had the 1st phone in this area and he generated his own power from a generator in his shed out behind the house.

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About Me

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I hope you enjoy our blog. I try to keep it updated, but we are growing and growing up so fast that it is hard to keep up with. AND, I don't want to miss a moment. I went back to college at 30, with 2 children in tow... I graduated with my Pharm.D. in 1999. I married the best husband and father in the world and my best friend in 1999. I became a Mother again in 2003 to the most wonderful little boy. I also became a grandmother 10 weeks before my son was born to twins! Yes, Grandma had a baby! Thank God for this life and all of our wonderful family!