Sunday, April 6, 2008

Saturday (the barn cleaning) and Sunday Church

So, this Saturday, we cleaned out the barn after 2 and 1/2 years of sheer procrastination! Seth and Katie came, Jason and Brandy (and the spoils go to this couple -- who seemed to load up the most to go home with!). We were all there (kids too) in our "it doesn't matter if this ever comes clean again" clothes! (Lori, Burt, and John were house hunting -- I wish John had been there though as the kids seemed to have a great time "treasure hunting!"). So, the barn is pretty clean and Jeff's blood pressure seems to be more normal today.....I found many things that I had simply forgotten about and many things that I have needed (but had no idea where to look to find it!)....Now, I have about 10 boxes to bring inside and find a home for those particular items...
Boy, how I wish I had pictures of this day! It was actually fun!
Then we took the babies bowling....they had a blast (I have a few picts of this, but need to get them off my camera). Brookie jumped up and down everytime she bowled....and you won't believe this but Brooklyn, Brandon, and Larkin all got a spare.....
Sunday morning we found ourselves at Sunday School talking about David (and how you can pass down junk or you can pass down blessings to your children and their children and their children's children....). Then when we went in to church what song were they singing Everlasting God....the same song we sang over and over and the Living Proof Conference in Jacksonville. It is an awesome song full of power and grace!

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I hope you enjoy our blog. I try to keep it updated, but we are growing and growing up so fast that it is hard to keep up with. AND, I don't want to miss a moment. I went back to college at 30, with 2 children in tow... I graduated with my Pharm.D. in 1999. I married the best husband and father in the world and my best friend in 1999. I became a Mother again in 2003 to the most wonderful little boy. I also became a grandmother 10 weeks before my son was born to twins! Yes, Grandma had a baby! Thank God for this life and all of our wonderful family!